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useSetDocument Hook

useSetDocument hook is used for one of these purposes:

  • To create a document by defining its ID instead of random-generated ID provided by Firestore
  • To totally overwrite the existing document.
  • To merge new fields and update existing ones in an already present document.

A very simple example would be:

const docRef = doc(firestore, "collectionName", "docId");
const { state, dispatch, error } = useSetDocument(docRef);
const docData = { name: "Eray", surname: "Erdin" };
const docRef = await dispatch(docData);


Nothing is done until you use dispatch returned by useSetDocument hook.


Do not use dispatch in parallel as it will cause race conditions.

You can also use useSetDocument to update a document.

const docRef = doc(firestore, "collectionName", "existingDocId");
const { state, dispatch, error } = useSetDocument(docRef);

// document before: { name: "Ilia", surname: "Tayefi", age: 20 }
const docData = { name: "Eray", surname: "Erdin" };
const docRef = await dispatch(docData);
// document after: { name: "Eray", surname: "Erdin" }

However, as you can observe on the code snippet above, this totally overwrites the existing document. If you'd like to change some fields in the document with provided docData without touching the other fields, what you'd like to do is to set merge option on dispatch function as such:

const docRef = doc(firestore, "collectionName", "existingDocId");
const { state, dispatch, error } = useSetDocument(docRef);

// document before: { name: "Ilia", surname: "Tayefi", age: 20 }
const docData = { name: "Eray", surname: "Erdin" };
const docRef = await dispatch(docData, { merge: true });
// document after: { name: "Eray", surname: "Erdin", age: 20 }

Input Parameters

Input parameters for useSetDocument hook is as follows:

Name Type Description Required Default Value
reference firebase/firestore/DocumentReference Reference to a document in Firestore. -

Return Type

useSetDocument hook returns an object with properties as below:

Name Type Description
state "ready" or "loading" or "done" Whether this hook is ready to dispatch, currently dispatching or has dispatched successfully.
error firebase/FirebaseError or undefined The instance of error if any.
dispatch (data: DocumentData, options?: SetOptions) => Promise<DocumentReference | undefined>1 A function to set the content of a document.


Only firebase/FirebaseError is caught if any. error will not be an instance of another type.

  1. You can see API docs for SetOptions here or read its usage document here. To keep it simple, it is simply a { merge: boolean, mergeFields: string[] } type where merge is to merge given data into the document and mergeFields to specify which fields to specifically merge (useful especially in batch operations).